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The evolution of case packers: from semi-automatic to wrap-around

The history of automatic case packers

The history of automatic case packers is a testament to human ingenuity and technological innovation that has completely transformed the packaging industry. These machines have changed the way products are packaged, providing more efficient, faster and less costly solutions than manual methods. Their evolution reflects the industry's growing need to improve productivity, reduce costs, and increase product security during transportation and storage.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the advances that have led to the advent of modern automated case packers.


The origin

The origins of automatic case packers date back to the early 20th century, when increased industrial production and growing mass consumption created a need for more efficient packaging processes. At that time, most packaging was done manually, a process that was both time-consuming and subject to quality variability.


Innovation in the early years

In the 1930s and 1940s, as technology advanced and mass production increased, the first semi-automatic and automatic case packers were introduced. These early case packers were relatively simple and focused primarily on forming cartons and manually loading products into them, followed by automatic sealing.

The post-war expansion

The post-war period saw an acceleration in technological innovation and the proliferation of automatic case packers. Economic expansion and increased consumer demand drove companies to seek faster and more efficient packaging solutions. As a result, increasingly complex machines were developed that could automatically perform multiple functions such as forming, filling, and sealing cartons without the need for manual intervention. It was during this historic period, in 1969, that Zambelli's history in secondary packaging machinery began with the production of the company's first automatic machines.


The era of customization and sustainability

Beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, the packaging industry began to focus more on flexibility and sustainability. Automatic case packers became more versatile, with the ability to handle different types and sizes of cartons and packages, and more efficient, reducing material and energy consumption. One example is the development of the first wrap-around case packers. This period also saw the introduction of technologies such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and early vision systems, which further improved machine accuracy and reliability.


The digital age and continuous Innovation

In the 21st century, the automated case packaging industry has embraced digitalization and the integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. These innovations have led to even smarter and more flexible packaging systems that can automatically adapt to different product formats, optimize production processes in real time, and improve energy efficiency.

Secondary Packaging Technologies

As we have seen, technological progress and engineering innovation have been the main pillars of the evolution of case packers, and even today these machines continue to evolve. For us at Zambelli, research and development in secondary packaging is not just a business activity, but a core value that guides us towards the goal of offering increasingly efficient and customized solutions.

Our commitment to innovation ensures that we remain at the forefront of the industry and meet the evolving needs of our customers. To find out how our advanced packaging solutions can benefit your business, please contact us!